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Introducing Creative Content

The term ‘content’ still feels relatively new within marketing circles, and boy, is it a broad term! Photography, film, animation, messaging, on-site, off-site – it’s fair to say it can be a difficult landscape to navigate and understand for many brands, especially those with challenging budgets. How do you get started or step up to the next level? Our advice is simple: go back to the beginning and think about what you’d like to communicate, what you’d like people to know about your products or brand, and allow the answers to lead you to the right message - and in turn, the right content type. Wherever that path leads, our creative content team, with decades of experience, is here to help you produce content that gets noticed and helps to sell.

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Content Strategy

Depending on your role and background, you may have a sense of how to use content to grow your brand. If not, our content strategy will help you understand the landscape and plan a variety of content to grow your brand over the long term, and achieve sales in the short term. The truth is that content is nothing new - brands have been using film, photography and animation to communicate for decades - the only real differences are the platforms and dimensions. Our strategy is based on years of learnings on how to grow a brand through such mediums.

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Creative Concept

Once you have identified what you want to communicate, our creative team can work with you to develop the approach, considering the best mediums, the messaging, copy or script, photographic or film style and storyboards - as well as planning production.

When Saihoji Matcha wanted to communicate the quality of their teas we transformed their procurement process into a consumer-facing story. Sadly a trip to Japan was out of budget so we paired the script with stock footage that would lead the viewer into the perfect environment for growing and harvesting green tea. The most important lesson from this approach is that while content can seem expensive to new and smaller brands, it’s always possible to create an impact - we just have to get creative!

When developing concepts we always apply a ‘bang for your buck’ approach, aiming to use the shoot or post-production to create as many assets or edits as possible - so we can feed those content-hungry social platforms. The film for Saihoji Matcha was produced in a range of formats, for YouTube and to suit other social platforms, as well as teaser films and short follow-up cuts with specific messaging.

Let’s work together to build your store

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Content Production

Our team has years of experience in production, ranging from large-scale location to small studio-based productions. Supported by an in-house studio, our team can turn your creative concepts into impactful content for your brand, whether that be photography, film, animation or sound design.

When Force Fitness launched during lockdown, aiming to capitalise on a boom in home workouts, we concepted and produced a film that would both communicate the brand beliefs (thus encouraging engagement) and demonstrate what may be an unfamiliar product in use - showing how fitness fanatics could introduce a weighted training vest into their routine.

Contact us and find out how we can elevate your brand with exciting creative content that sells.

Let’s Get Creative