Recently the Eastside Co SEO team were given the opportunity to attend the Brighton SEO event and loved every second! So we thought it would be a good idea to share about their positive experience and highlight some of the insightful knowledge they were able to take away with them.

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What is Brighton SEO?

Firstly, Brighton SEO is one of the biggest SEO events in the UK and provides a diverse group of marketing conferences and series of training courses for industry professionals. It typically takes place twice a year and has some of the most intelligent speakers on stage to teach you a whole range of effective marketing techniques.

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About Our Experience

Upon arrival, our SEO team were very impressed with the venue and the variety of SEO talks which were taking place. They also had the pleasure of meeting with many of our Eastside Co partners and SEO industry experts to build their learnings from other professionals. The SEO team really enjoyed starting new discussions and getting to know new marketing strategies.

To make the event more exciting, Brighton SEO also had lots of music, refreshments and social networking sessions which kept the SEO team engaged and entertained.

The knowledge our team brought back covers some great SEO strategies, from content writing, link building, creation tips, competitor analysis, keyword rankings, Ecommerce SEO, reviews to international SEO. Take a look below.

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The Key Insights From Brighton SEO


  • Answer The Public is a useful keyword tool, especially for ideating blog content
  • For link anchors, the ideal link anchor is date/type/source so for example '2022 ecommerce report from Eastside Co'.
  • EAT is for everyone to work on who is involved in the brand, not just for SEOs
  • Helen Klaustrap's EAT presentation is a good listen/watch
  • There is a live survey tool called Find Out Now
  • Focus on ‘profit not sales’ - you may be making lots of revenue but not making profit
  • Cornerstone content is key and should be used as a content pillar with various other content pieces being created to support as a topical cluster
  • You should be aiming for 2-4 campaigns a year in terms of topic clusters
  • Keyword hero will remove the 'not provided' section on the GA report

Link Building

  • The rule for links remains 'quality over quantity'
  • Relevancy and value are key
  • Expose yourself within the creative industry
  • Backlink gap analysis
  • KPIs for link building are not valuable metrics
  • Sophie Wren's reactive talk would be a good listen/watch

Ideation tips

  • Give journalists engaging stories
  • Provide great content including favourites such as top tens, listicles, how to guides
  • Linkable assets, data opinions
  • Don’t be too product or service focused, aim for knowledge and relevance instead

Creation Tips

  • Intro is king - write like a journalist for the first 30 words
  • A strong headline is key - aim for 10 words or so
  • Single sentence paragraphs
  • Follow up on your promotion; don’t be defeated by rejection


  • Stop matching keywords, aim for natural language targeting a range of keywords
  • Add tags on semrush/ahrefs to keyword research
  • Re-use your tags on competition
  • Topical authority score will show you vs the competition
  • Ranking well = leave; ranking, but not well = optimise
  • Not ranking = create new content (1 pillar post, 4 supplementary)

Ecommerce SEO

  • Content strategy is key to visibility
  • Use Amazon search insights report (if you sells on Amazon)
  • Enhance content - infographics, comparison grids, video, images


  • Reviews help improve clickthrough rate
  • Source them from a variety of platforms

International SEO Issues

  • No localisation in terms of keyword research (KWR) and using auto translate, for example 'pants' and 'trousers'
  • Incorrect hreflang such as no return links, incorrect language ISO codes, self-referencing. Keeping a central spreadsheet here will help
  • SWOT competition analysis - strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats
  • Backlink analysis
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Best Bits Of Brighton SEO

There was a wide spectrum of talks across multiple facets of SEO and also other marketing tactics, allowing the team to find out about new tools and get some really useful actionable tips which we can put into practice for our own clients. It was also great for the team to meet and mingle with like minded individuals. What’s more, Brighton SEO also provided some brilliant freebies, including socks, t-shirts, beers, coasters and much more!

We hope you found this article useful for learning all about the latest Brighton SEO conference. If you have any questions about our ecommerce SEO services, our experts are on-hand to help. Get in touch with Eastside Co to discuss your requirements today.